Local Partners Help THP Fight Food Insecurity

Each month the High Point office of Triad Health Project (THP) gives out an average of 265 bags of food to clients. This includes nonperishable goods, which clients are eligible for once a month, and fresh food, which clients may get each week. However, despite the high number of food bags provided, the High Point office spends very little money on purchasing needed food items. This is all thanks to our amazing community partners. Organizations including United Way of Greater High Point, West End Ministries, Caring Services, and High Point University regularly bring nonperishable items by the office to help keep our pantry stocked. While we are beyond thankful for every organization that helps, and honestly could not operate our food pantry the way we do without them, it is the special food drives organized specifically for THP that really stand out.
Travis Green has been a major supporter of THP for many years now. His partner, John Aull, sits on the THP Board of Directors, and the two have held their “Aullsome Christmas Party” since 2014, inviting guests to donate nonperishable food for the THP client food pantry. In 2015 the couple began hosting the “Ribbons & Rose for THP, “ a Kentucky Derby-themed Dining for Friends event in support of THP. Together with friends, Travis and John have raised $29,937 for THP with Ribbons & Roses. Travis has a huge heart for helping others, and has made it his personal mission to ensure that the High Point community is aware of the local HIV epidemic and available resources like THP. In 2015, when the Miss High Point Pageant was brought back after 41 years, Travis became the organization’s new Executive Director. He was thrilled at the opportunity to serve his community by promoting strength, self-confidence, and community service.

Each year, Travis comes up with innovative ways to incorporate community service in the pageant. This year, Travis was approached by the Junior League of High Point with the idea of using the competition as an avenue for a food drive. Guests would be invited to bring 5 nonperishable food items in exchange for $5 off their ticket. Excited by the idea, Travis agreed, and of course he knew just who the collected food should go to. In total, the Miss High Point Pageant and the Junior League of High Point were able to collect over 400 canned goods for Triad Health Project. Travis believes that one of the reasons the food drive was such a huge success is because people knew the food would be used in their own community. “It warms my heart to see that so many people really do care, especially when it comes to helping potential neighbors and community members,” says Green.
From all of us at Triad Health Project, a big thank you to Travis and all of our wonderful supporters and community partners that keep our pantry stocked! We could not do the work that we do without each and every one of you!
By Annie Segal, THP Case Manager