Triad Health Project provides community presentations on HIV/STIs and sexual health in a broad variety of settings. At your request, we can custom-design an interactive talk for your school, business, community center, or place of worship on topics ranging from HIV/STI 101, rates and disparities in Guilford County, safer sex, and others. We can also provide HIV/STI testing at these presentations, where facilities and time permit.
Communities engaged and informed have the power to end HIV.
Radical Outreach Partnership to Increase Impact
THP makes a special effort to reach high school and college students, and can present on sexual health topics to classrooms large and small. We are also happy to team up with campus organizations to provide sexual health education and testing.
P2 – Partnership Project.
Triad Health Projects role with the P2 project seeks to identify and address the notion that conflicts occur in all relationships. THP Health Educators develop a constantly evolving curriculum to address the physical, emotional, and sexual well being of all people, particularly 9th Grade students at James B. Dudley High School in Greensboro, NC. By creating this “Healthy Relationships” curriculum to address these key areas we are providing students with tools to identify unhealthy behaviors and resources should they encounter situations which need prevention or intervention. The North Carolina Essential Standards for Curriculum emphasizes teaching conflict resolution in these subject areas. Triad Health Project aims to address the community identified approach by building on the community relationships with local youth, UNCG, and Communities in Schools.
Community organizations provide excellent opportunities for THP to reach groups of people connected by common interests or experience. Please contact us and let us know what topics you’d like us to address that best speak to your group’s interests and needs!
Contact us to learn more.

The ChiCAS project is a collaboration between THP and Wake Forest University School of Medicine. ChiCAS, which stands for Chicas Creando Aceso a Salud (Girls Creating Access to Health), is a statewide, multi-year project providing training and assistance to transgender Latina women in HIV/STI prevention, PrEP, and gender-affirming medical services. Our full-time ChiCAS coordinator works with a team from Wake Forest University to recruit and train participants in cities across the state, then provides assistance connecting communities to HIV/STI testing services, referrals for PrEP counseling and prescriptions, and safe medical providers of gender-affirming services.