THP’s Heart Party celebrates advocacy and community. Learn how you can host your own!
By Adriana Adams, THP’s Executive Director

I have a favorite pair of earrings.
They are bright red circles with bold, white lettering that reads “Racism is a Public Health Crisis”. I bought them from a wonderful Black artist out of Asheville who owns a small business called Dope Divas Accessories. When I am out in the community, people will stop me and ask me about them- where I got them, or what they mean. In this work, the work of sexual health and justice, the phrase needs no explanation.
Since 1999 February 7th has been observed as National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The purpose of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is to acknowledge and observe how HIV disproportionately impacts Black people. Structural issues such as racism, high levels of (well-earned) distrust in the medical community, and discrimination impact whether Black people are provided with opportunities to receive HIV prevention services and, if impacted, whether they seek treatment and care.
Every year the National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day observes a particular theme. This year’s theme was Engage, Educate, and Empower: Uniting to End HIV/AIDS in Black Communities. Triad Health Project is here to engage, educate, and empower by partnering with our community—our own neighborhoods—in outreach and education to reach and empower the Black community. It is our goal in 2024 to focus resources of funding, time, and staffing on making sure that Black people- particularly Black women- have safer sex supplies, testing, and HIV care.
So, HOW will we make this happen? This outreach, community connection, and education? Well, that’s where YOU come in. Your resources, connections, ideas, and time are all valuable in breaking down the STIGMA that still surrounds HIV and sexual health. You are a vital part of our plan. The HEART of it, really. So…we need you to host a Heart Party.
You may have noticed that THP’s logo is a heart. This represents the radical care, hope, and equity with which we approach our sexual health and justice work. A Heart Party is a new way for YOU, our supporters and community, to truly be an ambassador for Triad Health Project. Whether you choose to throw a party- big or small- solely for the purpose of raising funds and telling your friends about our great work OR turn a party you are already having (like a birthday, bar/bat mitzvah, reunion, etc.) into a party with a purpose, we are launching a new campaign this month to get you the tools you need to be a great host.
So, back to those earrings. Racism is a Public Health Crisis. Black and brown people are being impacted by HIV at a higher rate in our own community. In your own backyard. Join us. Join us and help us engage, educate, and empower. Come in to get tested and pick up some free condoms. Ask us to come host an education session at your work, place of worship, or community group. Donate. And reach out to Elliott Kimball, our Director of People, Culture, and Outreach if you’d like to be one of our inaugural Heart Party hosts. Be a part of the radical care, hope, and equity that will end HIV.
To host your own Heart Party, email Elliott at Ekimball[at]