THP’s High Point Office Launches Women’s HIV Support Group

Triad Health Project’s High Point office recently started a new Women’s Group after an extended break. Former Case Manager Adrienne Mages started THP High Point’s first Women’s Group back in January 2017 as an outlet for women living with HIV to tell their stories and find support from their peers. Despite the success of the group, it was unable to survive without a coordinator once Mages left THP. However, the demand for a similar group has never gone away. New Case Manager Annie Segal saw this demand as an opportunity to do something special for the women in High Point and to provide much needed additional support.
The new Women’s Group held its first session on August 7. Future meetings will be held every Tuesday morning from 10-11am. The group will provide an opportunity for the women to share their stories and discuss topics such as stigma, grief, relationships, and more. Additionally, Segal hopes to bring in guests such as an Art Therapist for art classes or a Health Educator to discuss the importance of medication adherence. “There is a lot of serious business to address with a group like this, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do it in a fun way,” says Segal of her plans for the group. The group has already seen a large amount of interest just from the flyers in the office. One participant says she is excited for this opportunity to build community and find support from her fellow women.