As 2024 comes to a close for THP, I feel eerily similar to how I felt 10 years ago- trepidation, concern, bewilderment, and grief. Like many of you, I am concerned about what the next 4 years will hold for our community. Will we be ok? Will our efforts be thwarted? What will we do if funding for HIV/AIDS gets cut at the Federal level?
When all seems hopeless and I feel helpless, I look to our core values, and I am reminded to “Take Heart!” “Take Heart” is my encouragement to you, and this year, “Take Heart” will be THP’s battle cry.
In Greek, the phrase “take heart” is one word: tharseo. Tharseo means to “have courage and be of good cheer” despite the circumstances! This year at THP we will be radically courageous, continuing to offer services to all who need them. At THP this year, we will be defiantly cheerful, offering joy and welcome to all who need it. We will march forward in love, knowing that the “arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice” (MLK, Jr.). We will confidently expect good, knowing that in the end Love Wins.
We ask you to join us in supporting this important work and this radical act of rebellion. Take Heart, friends. Lead with Love in all you do.
En Comunidad,