Past. Present. Future.

An unknown author wrote “heal the past, live the present, and dream the future”. As we come upon the end of another year at Triad Health Project this quote speaks much of my Vision for our agency.

Our past tells the story of the history of AIDS/HIV and with it much grief and loss—loss of life, loss of family, loss of hope. But along with that has come a healing journey that has turned grief and loss into resilience, honor, and joy. Triad Health Project exists to join with the communities we serve to offer spaces and experiences where healing of past pain and grief happens every day.

In the present, we live. We live big and loud. We claim the spaces we are in with power, expertise, and for and with the communities we serve. All people should have access to care. Talking about sexual health should be normalized. Medicine, condoms, healthcare, and insurance should be available to all. A diagnosis is no longer a death sentence, a reason to be isolated. We share meals, stories, hugs, and see one another as PEOPLE first. We break down stigma one conversation at a time.

As 2023 becomes another chapter in the “past” of THP, we ask you to join us in 2024 and be a part of our present initiatives: expanding prevention outreach to communities most heavily impacted by HIV, increasing emergency financial assistance to those living with HIV, and telehealth treatment options statewide for STI prevention, HIV, and Hepatitis C. Your gift helps us secure the future we’ve been dreaming of and working toward.

We dream a future free of stigma. Where someone’s status is no longer a reason they are kept from housing, work, or even their own family gathering. We dream of all our clients housed, and fed, and well. We dream of a community so well educated about HIV that free condoms are in every school, public restroom, barber shop, and grocery store. Where PrEP is offered alongside birth control. Where Triad Health Project is no longer needed.

With all gratitude and blessings,

Adriana Galdo Adams, Executive Director


In 2023, we not only kept all our communities connected to care, we stayed connected through prevention, support + celebration.

people tested

were tested
for an STI.
people on PrEP

with more than 400 referred to PrEP resources.

served at Higher Ground Day Center.

connected to care and health services.
of clients
are undetectable

(viral load of <200)
bags of groceries

provided to community members all year.

Innovative Care

In partnership with QCare+, THP launched statewide access to telehealth HIV care!

Associate Director of Care and Wellness Services Jennifer Nichols shares about THP’s care and wellness approach in this video.

Impact in Outreach

THP deepened partnerships with other CBO’s, businesses, and local colleges and universities to reach new community members with testing, education, and supplies.

Executive Director Adriana Galdo Adams shares her thoughts about how the future of THP involves staying in direct contact with our communities.

Authentic Hospitality

We launched Women’s Hours at Higher Ground and begin offering new support groups and programming in our High Point office.

Higher Ground Community Manager Nichol Walters shares about the power and purpose of the Day Center and its communities in this video.

Our future…

Triad Health Project is a community that joins together to support, to heal, and to celebrate life. Your attention and consideration make a future free from HIV possible with every action you take.

…is together.

Here’s what you can do right now.

Share your time at events, in our office, or at Higher Ground and connect to the community.

End Stigma

Raise your voice when people living with HIV are excluded or insulted—your words have power!

Show your support—financial or food—to make a future free from HIV.