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Our Mission
Our Vision
We will stand together for as long as it takes until HIV/AIDS is no more, promoting enlightenment, dignity, acceptance, understanding, and love; demonstrating that we are not only enduring this epidemic, but also prevailing over it.
Our History
Triad Health Project began in 1986 as a grassroots effort among fourteen friends to deal with the emerging health crisis and the barriers and discrimination their friends with HIV and AIDS were facing. Through the years, our services have adapted to the changing reality of HIV management. Presently, THP is one of the largest AIDS service organizations in North Carolina, with a culturally diverse staff of 13 and a volunteer base that exceeds three hundred. As the primary community service provider, we offer Case Management, our Higher Ground day center, a Client Food Pantry, Education and Prevention Outreach, and HIV testing.
Our Funding
Triad Health Project receives individual, foundation and corporate contributions; federal and state grants; and funding from local governments. THP is also a proud member agency of the United Way of Greater Greensboro and the United Way of Greater High Point. All programs and services at Triad Health Project are offered to any eligible recipient free of charge.